Binary Tree in Godot

An extension to the L-System adding a stack so that we can push, and pop, the current state. This is typically denoted with a [ and ].

Binary Tree L-System

Binary Tree L-System

This is a simple as adding a stack array which we push a copy of the current position and angle into, and pop (copy the last of the stack over our current one and delete it) when we encounter those rules.

However, since we're starting to get a little complicated I decided to create a dictionary of commands so I can sub in alternatives when an L-System calls for slightly different behaviours for the same command.

var commands = {}

func _init():
    commands["F"] = func draw_forward_command(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        draw_forward(current, stack)
    commands["A"] = func draw_forward_command(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        draw_forward(current, stack)
    commands["B"] = func draw_forward_command(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        draw_forward(current, stack)
    commands["0"] = func draw_forward_command(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        draw_forward(current, stack)
    commands["1"] = func draw_forward_command(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        draw_forward(current, stack)
    commands["+"] = func rotate_left(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        current.angle -= angle_step
    commands["-"] = func rotate_right(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        current.angle += angle_step
    commands["["] = func push(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        stack.push_back(, current.position))
        current.angle += angle_step
    commands["]"] = func pop(current: LNode, stack: Array):
        var c = stack[-1]
        current.angle = c.angle
        current.position = c.position
        stack.remove_at(stack.size() - 1)
        current.angle -= angle_step

And the _draw() function is updated to:

func _draw():
    var start_x = (get_window().size.x / 2) * (1 / scale.x)
    var start_y = (get_window().size.y) * (1 / scale.y)
    var position = Vector2(start_x, start_y)
    var angle = 0
    var current =, position)
    var stack = []

    for command in axiom:
        commands.get(command, ignore).call(current, stack)

The axiom is set to 0 and the rules are:

0 → 1[+0]-0
1 → 11

The angle change is set to 45 degrees.

Sierpinski Triangle in Godot


Nothing really changed from the original version... two new rules:

A → B-A-B
B → A+B+A

And our starting axiom is A.

Both A and B mean to draw forward at the current angle, - means to turn left 60 degrees, and + means turn right 60 degrees.

Iterations 1: B-A-B
Iteration 2: A+B+A-B-A-B-A+B+A

Sierpinkski triangle L-System

Tweaked the code a little to scale the canvas rather than changing the step length. To ensure it looks good I increase the line width by the inverse of the scale. Due to the way the rules are applied, the triangle is rendered inverted every other iteration. To compensate I use the iteration counter to flip the starting angle to keep it visible.

extends Node2D
#var axiom = "F++F++F++"
var axiom = "A"
var angle_step = deg_to_rad(60)
var iteration = 1
var step_length: float = 64
var frame = Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0)
var rules = {
"F": "F-F++F-F",
"A": "B-A-B",
"B": "A+B+A"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
func _draw():
var start_x = 0 if iteration % 2 == 1 else (get_window().size.x * (1 / scale.y))
var start_y = (get_window().size.y) * (1 / scale.y)
var position = Vector2(start_x, start_y)
var angle = deg_to_rad(90) if iteration % 2 == 1 else deg_to_rad(270)
var current =, position)
for command in axiom:
"F", "A", "B":
var delta = Vector2.UP.rotated(current.angle) * step_length
var end_point = current.position + delta
draw_line(current.position, end_point, Color.GREEN, 1.0 / scale.x, true)
current.position = end_point
current.angle -= angle_step
current.angle += angle_step
frame.size.x = max(current.position.x - start_x, frame.size.x)
frame.size.y = max(current.position.y - start_y, frame.size.y)
frame.position.x = min(current.position.x - start_x, frame.position.x)
frame.position.x = min(current.position.y - start_y, frame.position.y)
func _on_button_pressed():
iteration += 1
var new_axiom = ""
for command in axiom:
var rule = rules.get(command, command)
new_axiom += rule
axiom = new_axiom
func _on_shrink_pressed():
scale *= 0.75
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Re-visiting some old code

Playing with Godot 4 and re-visiting L-Systems as a familiarisation exercise.

Koch snowflake on the 3rd iteration

As before, we use a string to track the current state of the iterations and our rules in a dictionary. For each iteration, we loop over the characters in the axiom and, for each character, execute the rule (append the matching value, or the current character, to a new axiom string).

extends Node2D
var axiom = "F++F++F++"
var angle_step = deg_to_rad(60)
var iteration = 1
var step_length: float = 64
var rules = {
"F": "F-F++F-F"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
func _draw():
var start_x = get_window().size.x / 2
var position = Vector2(start_x, get_window().size.y)
var angle = angle_step
var current =, position, step_length)
var stack = []
for command in axiom:
var delta = Vector2.UP.rotated(current.angle) * current.step_length
var end_point = current.position + delta
draw_line(current.position, end_point, Color.GREEN, 1.0)
current.position = end_point
current.angle -= angle_step
current.angle += angle_step
func _on_button_pressed():
iteration += 1
var new_axiom = ""
for command in axiom:
var rule = rules.get(command, command)
new_axiom += rule
axiom = new_axiom
func _on_shrink_pressed():
step_length /= 2
step_length = max(0.1, step_length)
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Not shown is the LNode class for holding the angle and the current position. I could track them in the same class I’m using for everything else. However, I know from previous work, I will want to store the state if I continue.

class_name LNode

var angle: float
var position: Vector2

func _init(a: float, p: Vector2):
    angle = a
    position = p

Refining Terrain

Tweaking values - went a little high on the mountain frequency.

Refining it down. Kind of fun to jump around right until you fall to the bottom ;)

That's more like it!